Phonon Brand and Style Guide

The following guide will provide details on how to use phonon and phonon branded elements.

Style Guide


Capitalize “Phonon”, except when referring to a transact-able asset.

  • Examples when to capitalize: the Phonon Protocol, the Phonon Card, the Phonon DAO

  • Examples when to keep lowercase: the phonons on the card, native phonon, Ethereum phonon

Token Symbol

  • The symbol for the Phonon DAO Token is $PHONON or PHONON (all caps)

Brand Guide and Assets

The following resources provide details on how to use Phonon in branding:


This a detailed branding guide for phonon.

These are the official phonon logos in a variety of formats.

These are the official fonts for styling phonon.

These are images that can be used for backgrounds of phonon themed branding.

These are images that can be used for avatar profiles of third-party platforms.

Last updated